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Reduced Climate Impact

Our goal is for our products and services to help the construction and real estate sector achieve its target of reduced climate impact. Our investment in the ePOLE brand is one example, and our connected solution, El-Björn Connect, is another. At the same time, we at El-Björn work hard to minimize the footprint generated by our operations.

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We Take a Holistic Approach
We take responsibility for our climate impact and therefore report emissions across the entire value chain. The majority of emissions are found in Scope 3, with the use of our sold products being the largest contributor, followed by emissions occurring within our supply chain. Since we have less influence over these indirect emissions, collaboration with suppliers and customers, along with continued development of efficient products and smart services, will be crucial.

Transition Strategy
We also take a holistic approach to our business operations. Our goal is to offer sustainable solutions to the construction and civil engineering sector. Through efficiency, innovation, and collaboration, we aim to be a reliable partner for building the future. This work allows us to influence emissions and contribute to achieving both industry and our own climate goals.

Low-Impact Energy Services
ePOLE provides our customers with a comprehensive solution focused on energy savings and emission reductions. ePOLE is our latest business area, born from the need to accelerate the transition in the construction, real estate, and energy sectors. This is achieved through measuring, controlling, and monitoring energy usage while taking responsibility for delivering heating or cooling with strong climate performance. In addition, we offer advisory and planning services, consultation, and reporting before, during, and after projects. Our goal is to expand the concept with more products and solutions in the future, making ePOLE the obvious choice for reducing climate footprints in the construction, real estate, and energy sectors.

Eliminate Waste and Reduce Emissions
With our El-Björn Connect solution, we address the industry's need for digitalization, better control, and improved quality while making energy usage in construction more efficient and reducing emissions. We know there is significant potential to optimize energy use during construction. Drawing on our knowledge and experience, and in dialogue with the industry, we developed El-Björn Connect. This solution makes our products smarter during construction, visualizing electricity consumption, power output, temperatures, and humidity levels through a user-friendly platform. This centralized information enables construction projects to quickly identify waste or deviations, making energy use more efficient and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Long Product Lifespan
Our products are built to last, and we take pride in that. Great emphasis is placed on ensuring the highest quality of components, and every product is tested before delivery. If something breaks or needs replacing, we offer a spare parts shop. We also provide assistance with service or repairs—all to ensure that our products last as long as possible.

Collaboration for Transition
We see collaboration as essential for the industry to succeed in the transition required to limit global warming. That’s why we have endorsed the construction and civil engineering industry’s roadmap with goals for achieving climate neutrality by 2045.